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   Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus

Microeconomics: Theory And Applications With Calculus

by Jeffrey M. Perloff

  Price : Rs 730.00
  Your Price : Rs 598.60
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  Professors teaching this course have two concurrent goals: to teach the microeconomic tools students need for future coursework and careers, and to encourage students to work problems. In Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus, Perloff brings his hallmark pedagogy to the calculus-based course by integrating Solved Problems and real, data-driven applications in every chapter. This new text offers a serious presentation of calculus-based microeconomic theory and offers a suite of carefully crafted, calculus-based problem sets at the end of each chapter.

Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus covers basic and modern theories first, and then offers advanced theory chapters at the end. By providing graphical representation and real-world applications to illustrate the theory, Perloff demonstrates how individuals, policy makers, and firms use microeconomic tools to analyze and resolve problems.
Salient Features

Balanced coverage of both traditional and modern theories: Core microeconomic theories–consumer theory, theory of the firm, and perfect competition—are covered thoroughly in the first half of the book, followed by a fully up-to-date, authoritative treatment of modern theories—such as game theory, strategies, uncertainty, and moral hazard.
Real-World Examples and Applications: Hundreds of examples and applications use real people, real companies, and real data to illustrate basic microeconomic theory. Providing valuable practical perspective, abundant examples and applications showcase the versatility of modern microeconomics.
Solved Problems provide students with a step-by-step model for working out both qualitative and quantitative problems using algebra and calculus. Students get the opportunity to practice the method modeled in a series of related exercises at the end of the chapter.
Concise coverage of supply and demand: Supply and demand are covered together in Chapter 2, including material on the functional forms of supply, demand curves and their properties, and an introduction of formal comparative statics, all followed by an appendix on estimation.
Problems and questions are calculus-based, allowing students to practice the concepts presented in the chapter using calculus. With 650 problems and questions, many of which use data and news-based examples, students get ample opportunities to practice working real-world problems.
A separate calculus appendix is included at the end of the book.
Starred sections identify difficult, optional subjects that can be skipped without losing coverage of any important concepts.

ISBN - 9788131764398

Pages : 800
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