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  Integrated Plant Disease Management

Integrated Plant Disease Management

by R.C. Sharma, J.N. Sharma

  Price : Rs 1750.00
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Plant diseases often are the worst natural hazards in agriculture, horticulture and forestry. New diseases and new biotypes of existing disease producing organisms appear from time to time in more virulent forms. The most startling aspect of plant diseases is that their management cost us a huge sum every year with serious consequences in environment and human health. Therefore, integrated disease management practices need to be refined and adopted to reduce the crop losses.

In this book, the current status of various aspects of integrated disease management in fruits, vegetable, ornamentals, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, medicinal and forest plants etc. has been analyzed. Major focus is on the integrated disease management in horticultural crops. Emphasis has been given to the use of non-chemical methods like cultural practices, soil solarization, plant growth promoting microorganisms, organic amendments, botanicals and biocontrol agents. It is hoped that the book will serve as an important guide to the plant pathologists, horticulturists, nematologists, microbiologists, mushroom scientists, breeders and students.
ISBN - 9788172334000

Pages : 362
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