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   Mechanics of Materials

Mechanics Of Materials

by Adarsh Swaroop

  Price : Rs 499.00
  Your Price : Rs 449.10
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  Mechanics of Materials, or the Strength of Materials as it had been called in a traditional way is an important part of the undergraduate syllabi of many engineering disciplines. This book has been designed, specially for the benefit of undergraduate students in the civil, mechanical, aeronautical, aerospace and naval-architecture engineering. The importance has been given to basic concepts and fundamental theory with applications to real-life problems. Each chapter contains a large number of solved problems of varied nature with explanations at each step in simple language that will facilitate to understand with ease the basic principles covered in the topics of this book. Discussions related to a particular theory are brief and clear, yet thorough. In most cases, this is followed by a `procedure of analysis` which provides the students a summary of the important concepts and a systematic approach to apply the theory. Free-body diagrams are used throughout this book to determine external and internal forces during the analysis of problems to make the students understand the technique of superposition of loadings and the resulting stresses and deformations. About 1000 problems with solutions and answers are given in the book, and SI units have been used.

The contents of the book have been selected to cover also the syllabi of various technical universities, professional institute examinations like A M I E and the competitive examinations namely I E S, U P S C , and GATE of the country. ISBN - 9788122436051

Pages : 1620
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