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   Marketing Management : Knowledge and Skills 9th Edition

Marketing Management : Knowledge And Skills 9Th Edition

by James H. Donnelly, J. Paul Peter

  Price : Rs 775.00
  Your Price : Rs 697.50
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  Marketing Management, 9/e, by Peter and Donnelly, is praised in the market for its organization, format, clarity, brevity and flexibility. The goal of this text is to enhance students™ knowledge of marketing management and to advance their skills in utilizing this knowledge to develop and maintain successful marketing strategies. The six stage learning approach is the focus of the seven unique sections of the book. Each section has as its objective either knowledge enhancement or skill development, or both. The framework and structure of the book is integrated throughout the sections of the new edition. The basic structure of the text continues to evolve and expand with numerous updates and revisions throughout.Complete revision and update of text chapters: There are new or expanded discussion of the major types of marketing, branding, marketing™s role in cross-functional strategic planning, a comparison of data collection techniques in marketing research, the most current psychographic and geographic approaches to segmentation, and a new section on Porter™s diamond model of national competitive advantage. Chapter 6 title has been changed to Product and Brand Strategy to reflect the content of the chapter
New and Revised Marketing Highlights boxes: There are over 25 new Marketing Highlights integrated throughout the textbook. This popular feature has improved with new material as they present important tools and content that can be used in analyzing real-world marketing cases and problems.
Additional Readings: Readings for student writing projects and case presentations have been added. Each chapter has additional readings useful for both MBA students as well as undergraduates. These readings are made to be accessible to students at various stages of marketing education.
New Cases: Approximately one-third of the cases are new in the Ninth Edition. 12 new cases emphasize companies whenever possible, including both domestic and global companies, high-tech companies, consumer and organizational products, small and large businesses, products and service, and manufacturer and channel members.
Additional features included with cases: Some cases include in-class exercises that provide the instructor with opportunities for team building and student participation. There are also accompanying video presentations and discussion questions which can enrich student interest, thinking, analysis, and presentation.
Analysis of Cross-Functional Teams: Each chapter has cross-functional examples, coverage and topics woven throughout the text that reflects what™s happening in today™s business world. The text demonstrates how teams of people representing all areas of business work together to solve problems and create business strategies. Example coverage of cross-functional teams can be seen in Chapter 1 (Strategic Planning and the Marketing Management Process), Chapter 6 (the Product Management discussion), Chapter 9 (Personal Selling).
Coverage of Marketing Research: This expanded coverage offers an emphasis on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Marketing information systems and sources of marketing research information are also discussed.
Market Segmentation Discussion: The text presents the development of a comprehensive list of segmentation bases, additional discussion of geo-demographic segmentation, and expanded coverage of product positioning.
Integrated Social and Ethical Dimensions of Marketing: Social and Ethical Dimensions of Marketing is integrated throughout the text.
How to Analyze Marketing Problems and Cases: Section II provides the students with an approach on how to analyze, write and present case analysis.
Coverage of Financial Tools Used in Decision-Making: Section III covers important financial calculations that are helpful to students in evaluating the financial position of the firm.
Coverage of Developing Marketing Plans: Section IV presents a marketing plan outline and hints for creating a marketing strategy.
Secondary Data Sources: Section V provides a bibliography of numerous relevant secondary sources that can be used as a resource for the analysis of many types of marketing problems. This is important for students as it increases the depth of case analysis as well as exposes students to important secondary sources that they can make use of in their careers.
E-Commerce topics: E-commerce topics integrated throughout the book underscore the importance of the Internet in the management of marketing plans. It also shows students how they must manage the Internet in order to find effective and efficient means of making the business meet the needs of its customers. ISBN - 9781259097300

Pages : 800
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