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   Human Communication 4th Edition

Human Communication 4Th Edition

by Judy Pearson, Paul Nelson, Scott Titsworth, Lynn Harter

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 585.00
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  The fourth edition of Human Communication is an engaging reflection of the contemporary field of communication studies. The authors` writing mantra ("Make It Smart; Keep It Real") leads to a text that strikes a practical balance of definitive content and everyday application. To "make it smart," the authors read hundreds of articles from mainstream communication journals. To "keep it real," the authors synthesized their findings so that they resonate with the challenges and goals of today`s typical basic course. Always the goal is to highlight the relevancy of communication to college students by engaging the readers. Every chapter features skill-building, critical thinking, innovative pedagogy, 21st century examples, and lively writing that is respectful of the student reader. Get Involved boxes guide students to make connections between their introduction to communication course and what is happening in their communities. A Get Involved exercise concludes every chapter, prompting students to discover ways to connect to their communities so that they may have a richer understanding of course content and the goals of their assignments
Sizing Things Up allows student to assess their communication skills and attitudes. After completing the surveys in each chapter, they can compare their results to those of other students or use the results as a starting point for understanding their potential strengths.
New Student Outlines and Samples Speeches written and delivered by students demonstrate how beginning speakers can use vital topics in their speeches
New coverage of "What to Avoid in and Introduction" and "What to Avoid in a Conclusion"--in addition to showing what should be done while giving a speech students will learn about what they should avoid doing during a speech.
New illustrations of narrating and describing as modes of informing introduce new informative strategies such as the use of imagery and metaphor in speeches
Human Communication offers the most comprehensive synthesis available of contemporary communication research, presented in a manner that is relevant and interesting to basic course students.
Skill Builders and Try This boxes call on students to practice communication competencies.
Culture Note boxes encourage sensitivity to diversity.
Think, Pair, Share exercises stimulate collaboration and cooperation.
E-notes boxes highlight the various media being used to enhance communication.
Myths, Metaphors, and Misunderstandings boxes encourage students to think about the influence of cultural values on our communication and behaviors.
End-of-chapter Review and Study Guide includes 10 multiple choice and 2 Critical Thinking Questions for each chapter to help students test their understanding of the key chapter concepts.
ESL coverage in each chapter provides a number of tips to help students bridge language and cultural barriers including, ways ESL speakers can adapt their nonverbal behaviors; cross-cultural friendships and romantic relationships; cross-cultural skills in the workplace; cultural differences and group dynamics; topic selection for ESL speakers ISBN - 9781259097188

Pages : 448
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