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  Issues in Madrasa Education in India

Issues In Madrasa Education In India

by Yoginder Sikand

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  This book deals with various aspects of madrasa education in contemporary India. Written for a general readership, it focuses on such hotly-debated issues as madrasas and allegations of terrorism, madrasa reforms, relations between madrasas and the state and the fashioning of new forms of Muslim religious authority through the establishment of madrasas. The book will be found useful by those interested in contemporary Muslim issues.
About Author :
Yoginder Sikand studied at St. Stephens` College, Delhi, and the Kawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He did his PhD from the University of London and then completed his post-doctoral research at the Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World, Leiden, The Netherlands. His field of interest is Indian Muslim society, and he has authored nine books on the subject. He also has several articles in scholarly journals and edited volumes to his credit. He was, till recently, Professor at the Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, and now works as a freelance writer based in Bangalore. He continues to write extensively on Indian Muslim Issues, and maintains a blog
Contents :
1. A Day in Deoband
2. Madrasa Reforms: A Deobandi Response
3. The State and Madrasa Reform: An Indian Deobandi Perspective
4. Deoband`s Rector on the Central Madrasa Board
5. A Deobandi Madrasa with a Difference
6. Kashmir`s Largest Madrasa: Dar-ul-Uloom Raheemiyyah
7. Traditionalist Ulema and Educational Reform in Kerala
8. Maududi on Madrasa Reform
9. Indian Madrasa Reform: A Leading Maulana`s Plea
10. Reviving a Tradition: Muslim Women as Religious Authorities
11. Countering Anti-Madrasa Propaganda
12. Defending the Madrasas: Indian Ulema Respond
13. State Policies on Madrasas and Muslim Education: A Re-Appraisal
A Bibliographical Note ISBN - 9788178711539

Pages : 112
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