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  Harmsworth History of the World:Archaeology and History, Ancient Civilizations,World Religions, Man`s Mastery of the Earth & Immortality of Soul, etc. ( Set iv 15 Vols) 2050/-  Per Vol

Harmsworth History Of The World:Archaeology And History, Ancient Civilizations,World Religions, Man`S Mastery Of The Earth & Immortality Of Soul, Etc. ( Set Iv 15 Vols) 2050/- Per Vol

by Associate Editors: A.D. Innes, M.A. Arthur Mee, J.A. Hammerton

  Price : Rs 44250.00
  Your Price : Rs 34515.00
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  Harmsworth History of the World is a monumental work, originally published in 15 volumes in London in 1914, with a wide scope covering details of events faced by the prehistoric and historic peoples from all over the world. The publication is written by the foremost historians of the times and illustrated with 8,000 pictures.

The subjects covered include Man and the Universe, the Beginning of the Earth, Mans Mastery of the Earth, Primitive Man, Wonders of the Ancient Civilization, Birth and Growth of Nations, Environment and Life of Nations, Birth and Growth of Jainism and Buddhism, Rise of Christianity, Middle East, Ancient Indian Civilizations, Medieval and Modern India, Sri Lanka, South-east Asia, Central Asia, ancient Civilizations of China, Far East Mesopotamia, Egypt, Phoenicia, Israel, Assyria, Persia, Babylon, and Syria. Other subjects include Age of Islam, Mongols, the Turks, etc.

The character of Africa and the native races of the continent have been discussed. Details of the Early Peoples of South and Western Europe, influence of Greece on the World, the story of Ancient Rome and the fall of the Roman Empire have been given.

Byzantium Empire, Ottoman Empire, the Armenians, the Huns, the Bulgarians, the Roumanians, the Albanians, the Southern Slav Peoples, the Gipsies, etc., are covered. We also read about Hungary, Poland, Russia and Western Europe. Details of emerging of the Nations are given.

Italy and the Lombards, rise of the Frankish Dominion, Roland, Hero of Frances National Epic, Spain and its conquerors, the rise of the Church in the West, the Land of the Northman Denmark and its Sister States, Norways rise and fall and Sweden and Finland, are the other topics covered by the eminent historians. Revival of the Holy Roman Empire, the Franconian Emperors, and the triumphs of Barbarossa, the Emperors of Germany, Fortunes of the House of Austria and German expansion of the East are the other topics covered by international specialists.

Details have been given of the Dark Ages of the Church, Zenith of the Papal Power, and Approach of the Reformation. Chapters are devoted to France, the British Isles, Italy and Spanish Peninsula. Accounts are given of the Western Europe in the Middle Ages, the British Isles and Trade of the Middle Ages, the Social Fabric of the Medieval World, the Renaissance, French Revolution, the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era, The Making of Europe, Europe in Revolution and the Consolidation of the Powers.

Chapters have been allotted to the Atlantic Ocean, America before Columbus, Ancient Civilizations of Central America, Native Civilizations of South America, Discovery of America and the Spanish Conquests, Spains Empire in America and Independence of South and Central America. Accounts of Colonisation of North America, British North America, the United Sates Social Conditions and the Social Future in the United States and the World around the Poles have been given. Modern World and its problems, Social Fabric of the Modern World, Feudalism, Industrial Slavery and Emancipation of Labour have been discussed thoroughly.

There are specially interesting chapters devoted to the Triumph of the Mind of Man, the Survival of the Fittest, Nature and Man, and the Future of Human Race. Even the End of the World, Life beyond death, Immortality of Soul, how the World will end, and Mans Destiny after Death have been discussed.

A comprehensive index has been given in the last volume; this important work will be very useful to Reference Libraries all over the world.

Work deals with Prehistory and history of the world, The Beginning of the Earth, Mans Mastery of the Earth, World of the Ancient Civilizations, Birth and Growth of Nations, World Religions, The End of the World and immortality of Soul.

Details of Volumes No: 1 to 15

Volume 1:- Man and Universe

Volume2:-The Far East: Japan, Siberia, Ancient China

Volume 3:-The Far East: Modern China, Korea, Malaysia, Oceania, Australia, Pacific Ocean

Volume 4:-The Middle East: India, Ceylon, Further India, Indian Ocean, Central Asia

Volume 5:-The Near East: Western Asia, Babylonia, Assyria, The early Nations, Persia

Volume 6:- Africa: Egypt, Later Egypt, North Africa, South Arica

Volume 7:- Europe to the fall of the Roman Empire

Volume 8: The Christian Church and Eastern Europe to the French Revolution

Volume 9:-Western Europe in The middle Ages: General Survey, The Peoples Emerging And Development of the Nations, the Papacy

Volume 10:- Western Europe in The middle Ages: France, the British Isles, Italy, Spanish, Peninsula, the Crusades Trade, Society, the Renaissance

Volume 11:-Western Europe to the French Revaluation

Volume 12:- Napoleonic Era and the Making of Europe

Volume 13:- Europe since 1971 the British Empire

Volume 14:- The Atlantic Ocean: America before Columbus, Spanish America

Volume 15:- North America: The Polar Regions, Triumph of the Mind of Man, General IndexISBN - 9789381843062

Pages : 6700
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