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  Thermal Plasma Torches: Design, Characteristics, Applications

Thermal Plasma Torches: Design, Characteristics, Applications

by M F Zhukov & I M Zasypkin

  Price : Rs 1495.00
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  Description: Describes the results of experimental research of plasma torches

• Proposes a simple classification of linear plasma torches

• Outlines engineering methods of processing experimental data together with the electrical and thermal characteristics of plasma torches of different design in criterial form.

• Pays special attentions to the problem of plasma torch stability to extend their operating life.

• Discusses the characteristics of individual types of the design of plasma torches (using direct and alternating current)

• Outlines the operating properties and description of plasma-chemical reactors and plasma torch reactors for various high-temperature processes

The book will be useful to specialists in the field of application of thermal plasma torches and designers of plasma chemical equipment. Contents: Brief Description of Thermal Plasma and Electric Heating of Gas: Formation of the electric arc and the properties of arc plasma; Electric arc gas heaters – plasma torches • Electrophysical and Aerodynamic Processes in a plasma torch: Special features of the flow of cold gas in a long cylindrical channel; Special features of burning of the electric arc in a long cylindrical channel; Speed and pulsation characteristics of arc elements; Tomographic investigations of the electric arc; Shunting; Pulsations of the ‘radial’ section of the arc in the output electrode of AN axial plasma torch; Self-oscillations of the parameters of the electric arc; Aerodynamics of the internal electrode; Aerodynamics of the cylindrical output electrode with sudden expansion • Mathematical Methods of Investigating Arc Discharges: Main equations of electric are plasma; Analytical models of arc discharge; Effect of electromagnetic forces on the formation of plasma flows in arcs; Nonequilibrium processes in arc discharge plasma; The arc in the turbulent flow • Modelling of Processes in Electric Arc Plasma Torches: Concept of modeling of processes; Methods for determining similarity criteria; Similarity criteria of electric arc process; Physical meaning of similarity criteria; Method for generalizing experimental results • Energy Characteristics of the Arc in Different Gases: Generalised volt-ampere characteristics of the arc in different gases; Energy characteristics of the arc in plasma torches with inter-electrode inserts; The energy characteristics of the arc in a porous channel; Strength of the electrical field of the arc in hydrogen and hydrogen containing media • Heat Exchange in the Electric Arc Chamber of a Linear Plasma Torch: Integral thermal characteristics of plasma torches with the self-setting and fixed (using a ledge) aRC length; Heat losses in the discharge chamber of the plasma torch with the interelectrode insert; Heat exchange of the electrical arc in the turbulent gas flow with the walls of the discharge chamber; Electric arc generator of low temperature plasma with a gas vortex inter-electrode insert; Heat exchange in the combined and permeable channel with intensive gas blowing; Heat exchange of the hydrogen arc with the walls of the electric discharge chamber; Generalised thermal characteristic of the stem-vortex plasma torch • Direct Current Linear Plasma Torches; Classification of linear plasma torches; Plasma torches with the self-setting arc length; Plasma torch with the mean arc length fixed with a ledge; Plasma torches with the mean arc length fixed by the inter-electrode insert; Plasma torches with a split arc • Two-Jet Plasma Torches: The two-jet plasma torch with stationary arc spots; The two-jet plasma torch with a scanning arc and stationary arc spots; Two-jet plasma torch with tubular electrodes • Alternating Current Plasma Torches Using Industrial Frequency: Single-phase A C plasma torch; Three-phase plasma torches of the Zvezda type; The scheme of the plasma torch and operating principle; Three-phase plasma torches with the triangle-type connection • Near-Electrode Processes and Methods of Reducing Electrode Erosion: Heat flows into the electrodes through arc spots; The form of the eroded surface of a rod thermal cathode with a stationary arc spot; Specific erosion of tungsten thermal cathodes; Specific erosion of thermal chemical cathodes; Structure of the internal surface of the cylindrical hollow tungsten cathode; Special features of the structure of the working surface of rod tungsten under the effect of the reference spot of the arc; Review of studies of self-restoring cathodes; The rate of increase of the mass of the cathode in a carbon containing medium; Erosion of copper cold tubular electrodes • Plasma Reactors: Multijet reactors; Hydrodynamic and thermal engineering characteristics of a three-jet reactor; Combined DC reactor with electromagnetic control; Plasma coaxial reactors; Coaxial DC reactor with electromagnetic control • Conclusions • Index ISBN - 9788130909486

Pages : 510
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