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  50 Minute: Developing Self Esteem

50 Minute: Developing Self Esteem

by Connie Palladino

  Price : Rs 99.00
  Your Price : Rs 89.10
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  One thing is certain - self-esteem can everything you do. It is a state of mind but is also something that impacts the way you think. How you act, and even how want life or an overwhelming impediment to reaching your goals. Self-confidence, self worth, self respect, and respect for others and a sense of harmony and peace yourself that’s self-esteem can be, and with it can make things happen. With this you can make it happen for you. The key to elevating lies in your willingness to take responsibility for the things that are you - your feelings, desires, thoughts, abilities, and interests. Accept your overall strengths and act accordingly. You have to take time to dream and conquer fear, to evaluate your attitude and change, to understand your strengths and what they can help you achieve, to take action, to seek challenges, and make the most of who you are. Feeling good about you is not a luxury; it is an absolute necessity - look inside and make it happen.ISBN - 9788176495509

Pages : 128
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