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   Management: For GTU, 10/e

Management: For Gtu, 10/E

by Stephen P. Robbins ,Mary Coulter ,Neharika Vohra

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 143.50
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  Organizations are becoming increasingly dynamic, and managers are confronted with situations and challenges that they never faced before. Managers are expected to balance the aspirations of employees with the expectations of the organizations. Stephen P Robbins` Management provides the best possible understanding of what it means to be a manager entrusted with the task of managing this dynamism. This book introduces the readers to real managers, and elaborates the problems they have faced in organizations and how they resolved them.
Salient Features

Specific coverage: This book has been customized as per the second semester syllabus requirements of the Management I course taught in Gujarat Technological University’s Bachelor of Engineering, BE. The topic flow matches that of the syllabus and all irrelevant portions have been omitted.
Most effective for the semester pattern: This customized version has been written to fit the tight time frame of the Management I course, but preserves the quality that made the original edition of the book a best seller.
Real world focus: Management theories and concepts come to life via a real-world focus and application heavy approach;
Meet the Managers: Chapter openers introduce the managers being featured throughout the text as they discuss their management styles and philosophies.
A Manager’s Dilemma: Every chapter opens with a Manager’s Dilemma. Students are asked to put themselves in the shoes of that manager and think what they would do in the situation.
Your turn to be a Manager: This feature provides several activities that give students the chance to experience the challenges of management.

ISBN - 9788131732199

Pages : 136
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