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  Earthquake-resistant Design of Structures, 2/e

Earthquake-Resistant Design Of Structures, 2/E

by S.K Duggal

  Price : Rs 875.00
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This text is designed for undergraduate students of civil engineering. It explains the different sources of damage that can be triggered by an earthquake as well as the earthquake-resistant design concepts. The book would also be useful for postgraduate students of civil engineering, practising engineers, and architects.

Beginning with an introduction to earthquakes and ground motion, the book provides a detailed coverage of structures and soil in terms of their seismic response. The need for placing emphasis on conceptual design is reinforced by enumerating factors that cause damage and by offering guidelines for efficient seismic-resistant design, with special attention to timber, masonry, concrete, and steel buildings.

ISBN - 9780198083528

Pages : 528
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