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   Selected Papers of C.R. Rao, Vol. V

Selected Papers Of C.R. Rao, Vol. V

by S.Dasgupta

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 675.00
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  The volume five of Selected Papers of C.R. Rao consists of 32 papers that appeared in various publications from 1985. These papers are selected to showcase some of the fundamental contributions in Characterizations of Probability distributions, density estimation, analysis of multivariate familial data, correspondence analysis, shape and size analysis, signal detection, inference based on quadratic entropy, bootstrap, L-l norm, convex discrepancy function etc., estimation problems in univariate and multivariate linear models and regression models using unified theory of linear estimation, M-estimates, LAD estimates etc. and many more novel concepts and ideas with enormous potential for further research and in which active research is being carried out.

The highlight of this volume is the stimulating retrospection of Prof. C.R. Rao about his work spanning the last three score years. An updated bibliography and a brief biographical profile of Prof. Rao are also included.

These volumes are intended not only as a ready reference to most of Prof. Rao`s oft quoted and used results but also to inspire and initiate research workers to the broad spectrum of areas in theoretical and applied statistics in which Prof. Rao has contributed. ISBN - 9788122412857

Pages : 508
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