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  Feminism in Islam: Secular and Religious Convergences Original

Feminism In Islam: Secular And Religious Convergences Original

by Margot Badran

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  Review: "No one is better able to make such a contribution to Islam and Gender Studies than Badran."
-Amina Wadud,World-renowned professor of Islamic studies and author of Inside the Gender Jihad: Women"s Reform in Islam

"An authoritative and comprehensive study of feminisms in Islamic contexts, combining rigorous scholarships with moving biographical narrative."
- Abdullahi A. An-Naim - Charles Howard Candler Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law

"A fascinating, accessible book for both students and experts in Islamic Feminism. It covers the topic both vertically and horizontally, historically and geographically."
-Nasr Abu-Zayd - Ibn Rushd Emeritus Chair in Islam and Humanism at the University of Humanistics, Utrecht

Description: Many in the West regard feminism and Islam as a contradiction in terms. However, this is a grave misconception as Margot Bardan illustrates in this career-spanning collection of influential essays. Born of over three decades of work, Feminism in Islam traces the history and interaction of both secular and Islamic feminism in Muslim societies since the nineteenth century.

Written by one of the world"s foremost experts on the subject, this landmark volume is informed by numerous interviews, letters, and memoirs of Muslim Women, both historical and current. Combining both original and previously published contributions, Badran paints an engaging portrait of feminism in the Islamic world, its achievements to date, and the challenges it will face in years to come.

Contents: Introduction • Part I: Egypt-Late Nineteenth to End of the Twentieth Centuries: First Century of Feminism • Completing Agenda: Feminists, Islam, and the State in Nineteenth-and Twentieth-Century Egypt • Women, Qasim Amim, and the Raise of Feminist Discourse • From Consciousness to Activism: Feminist Politics in Early Twentieth-Century Egypt • Expressing Feminism and Nationalism in Autobiography: The Memoirs of an Egyptian Educator • Independent Women: More than a Century of Feminism in Egypt • Gender Activism: Feminists and Islamists in Egypt • Body Politic(s): Women, Power, and Sexuality in Egypt • Gender Journeys into Arabic • Part II: Muslim World-Late Twentieth to Twenty-First Centuries: Widening Circles, New Directions • Towards Islamic Feminisms: A Look at the Middle East • Islamic Feminism: What"s in a Name? • Unifying Women: Feminist Pasts and Presents in Yemen • Shar"ia Activism in Nigeria in the Era of Hudud • Between Secular and Islamic Feminism(s): Reflections on the Middle East and Beyond • Islamic Feminism on the move • Index.ISBN - 9781851685561

Pages : 350
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