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  Advances in Plant Physiology (Volume11)

Advances In Plant Physiology (Volume11)

by A. Hemantaranjan

  Price : Rs 2700.00
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  The configuration of Volume 11 of the International Treatise Series has been absolutely due to praiseworthy contributions from Scientists of global eminence. This programme has been undertaken with a view to reinforce the indistinguishable efforts to recognize the outcome of scrupulous research in some of the very rational and stirring areas of Environmental and Molecular Physiology of Plants. In order to sustain and further advance, it is committed to maintain the originality and the introduction of novel ideas, ensuring that the treatise welcomes the best science done across the full extent of modern plant biology, in general, and plant physiology, in particular. Indeed, within the time span of twelve years, this treatise has been duly recognized through Current Book Contents and other academic periodicals in the minds of distinguished readers and has beyond doubt achieved the international status. It is reiterated that in spite of handiness of quick accessibility of vast literature from internet, this treatise series in the field of life sciences has been realized over and above to be like a true guide, friend and philosopher, continually enlightening the most hidden perceptible nerves of an individual worker, which is beyond the competence of mere internet web service. It is glory to record that in Volume 11, with inventive applied research, attempts have been made to bring together much needed fifteen review articles by Fifty-eight contributors from Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Switzerland and Tunisia; duly evaluated by Consulting Editors of international stature from India, U.K., U.S.A., Argentina, Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Israel, and Morocco and rationally disseminated in Seven Sections. Creditably in this volume, over five important reviews belong to the field of Environmental Stresses besides covering significant areas of research.
In genuineness, the treatise is an achievement for interdisciplinary exchange of information. It would be extremely a significant book and a voluminous reference material for acquiring advanced knowledge by post-graduate and Ph.D. scholars in response to the innovative courses in Plant Physiology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry, Agronomy, Horticulture, and Botany, besides fulfilling needs for research teams and scientists engaged in various facets of research in Molecular Physiology and Biology of Plants in traditional and agricultural universities, institutes and research laboratories throughout the world.ISBN - 9788172336318

Pages : 613
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