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   Statistics for Management 7 Edition

Statistics For Management 7 Edition

by Richard I. Levin David S. Rubin Sanjay Rastogi Masood Husain Siddiqu

  Price : Rs 789.00
  Your Price : Rs 646.98
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  Statistics for Management is a comprehensive textbook designed to help students understand the statistical concepts and applications used in business and management situations. As in case of the earlier editions, this edition too omits complex notations in favor of graphic and verbal explanations and aims to explain the subject with a practical orientation. Examples from the real world are discussed to explain how the textbook principles work in professional practice. Written in a simple and lucid language, this book is an excellent resource for students pursuing management courses.
Offers easy-to-understand explanations of difficult statistical topics
Has an increased number of real-world examples and plenty of exercises
Presents hypothesis tests conducted using the standardized scale
Includes new problems and cases specifically covering the Indian scenario
Provides a stepwise guide along with relevant snapshots for running various tools on the SPSS software and the MS Excel package
Includes case-data in the MS Excel and SPSS formats
ISBN - 9788131774502

Pages : 1016
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