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  Network Analysis & Synthesis (Including Linear System Analysis)

Network Analysis & Synthesis (Including Linear System Analysis)

by Wadhwa, C.L.

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 427.50
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  This book has been designed as a basic text for undergraduate students of electrical, electronics and communication and computer engineering. In a systematic and friendly manner, the book explains not only the fundamental concepts like circuit elements, Kirchhoff`s laws, network equations and resonance, but also the relatively advanced topics like state variable analysis, modern filters, active RC filters and sensitivity considerations.

Salient features

Basic circuit elements, time and periodic signals and different types of systems defined and explained.
Network reduction techniques and source transformation discussed.
Network theorems explained using typical examples.
Solution of networks using graph theory discussed.
Analysis of first order, second order circuits and a perfect transform using differential equations discussed.
Theory and application of Fourier and Laplace transforms discussed in detail.
Interconnections of two-port networks and their performance in terms of their poles and zeros emphasised.
Both Foster and Cauer forms of realisation explained in network synthesis.
Classical and modern filter theory explained.
Z-transform for discrete systems explained.
Analogous systems and SPICE discussed.
Numerous solved examples and practice problems for a thorough graph of the subject.
A huge question bank of multiple choice questions with answers exhaustively covering the topics discussed.

With all these features, the book would be extremely useful not only for undergraduate engineering students but also for AMIE and GATE candidates and practising engineers. This edition is for sale in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka only. If you want to buy this book for any country other than these, kindly click on the following links:

1. Amazon.co.uk, 2. The Book Depository, 3. Amazon.com, 4. Bn.com ISBN - 9788122420364

Pages : 904
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