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  Developing with Ext GWT: Enterprise RIA Development

Developing With Ext Gwt: Enterprise Ria Development

by Grant Slender

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 175.50
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  ISBNDeveloping in Ext GWT is a fast–paced, practical guide to quickly learning the tasks necessary in building enterprise–class rich Internet applications (RIAs). Based around the exciting new user interface library from Ajax leaders Ext JS and the latest Google Web Toolkit release, this book takes the reader through setup, the available widgets, and advanced custom widgets and templates, and concludes with a functional sample client–server application in less than 150 pages. Not your typical beginner`s guide to programming, this book provides a rapid approach to becoming effective with leading commercial RIA tools and libraries.

A practical approach to enterprise RIA development using industry–proven tools.
Full coverage of the new Ext GWT 2.0 widget library based on GWT 1.6
Designed for professional developers needing a quick, no–nonsense overview of the initial requirements to get started, ending with an example client–server application

What you’ll learn

Understand the Ext GWT UI framework, its history, and what you need to get started quickly.
Prepare a build environment, debug, and troubleshoot, and find out what’s needed to reliably build an application based on Ext GWT.
Know how to use the various widgets, layouts, and combinations to get the right look and feel for a professional result.
Get an overview of some of the advanced features (such as Drag-n-Drop and Portal).
Understand how Store, Model and RPC, can be used in a client–server model.
Step through an example application that showcases an enterprise–style RIA.

Who this book is for
This book is for enterprise developers with a need to rapidly get high–quality results in the RIA space. The reader is assumed to have a sound knowledge of Java and understands the basics of web development. The book also offers some insight on Ext GWT to casual developers who want to add that “enterprise–RIA” look to their existing GWT applications.

Table of Contents

1. Overview of Ext GWT and GWT
2. Organizing the Environment
3. Widgets, Widgets, Everywhere
4. Advanced Widgets and Stuff
5. Working With Data
6. A Working Example ISBN - 9788132210007

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