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  Fiber OpticsThrough Experiments , 2/e

Fiber Opticsthrough Experiments , 2/E

by Shenoy, Sunil K. Khijwania, Ghatak, Bishnu Pal

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During the last forty years the science of Fiber Optics as well as its technological applications have seen a phenomenal progress so much so that, in recent years, theory and laboratory courses on various aspects of Fiber Optics have been introduced at the undergraduate and postgraduate curricula by many educational institutions - both in basic science as well as in engineering. The present book describes in detail a large number of experiments to characterize an optical fiber, which should help in elucidating its underlying physics for applications in telecommunications and sensor systems. The first edition of the book was well received by students and the academic community. This extensively revised edition would be of greater benefit to students and faculty asociated with a laboratory course on fiber optics. About Author: S M R Shenoy joined the faculty of IIT Delhi 1988, where he is currently Professor of Physics. He was a recipient of the BOYSCAST fellowship of DST to carry out research on integrated Optics at University of Nice in France. His current research interests include fiber amplifiers and in-line fiber components for optical fiber communication. Sunil K. Khijwania received his PhD from IIT Delhi. He was a recipient of Monbusho Fellowship and visited University of Tokyo, Japan, during 2000 2002. Subsequently, he visited Mississippi State University, USA, as Research Associate during 2002-2004. In 2004, he joined IIT Guwahati as an Assistant Professor. He was visiting Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2006 & 2007. He has published several research papers in the area of fiber optics and its applications. Ajoy Ghatak has recently retired as Professor of Physics from IIT Delhi. He obtained his PhD from Cornell University. He has written several books in Fiber Optics and an undergraduate textbook on Optics some of his books have been translated into foreign languages. Professor Ghatak is a recipient of several awards including the 2003 Optical Society of America’s Esther Hoffman Beller Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions to optical science and engineering education. He is also a recipient of the 1979 CSIR S. S. Bhatnagar Award, the 2003 International Commission for Optics Galileo Galilei Award and the 2008 SPIE Educator Award. Bishnu P. Pal joined the academic staff of IIT Delhi in late 1977 as a specialist on Fiber Optics, where he is Professor of Physics since 1990. Prof. Pal has been a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE (USA)’s Laser and Electro-optics Society (LEOS) for 2005-2007 and co-recipient of the Ist Fiber Optics Person of the Year Award of 1997 instituted by Lucent Technology (India) and Voice & Data Magazine. ISBN - 9788130910109

Pages : 224
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