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   Rudiments of Materials Science

Rudiments Of Materials Science

by Pillai, S.O.

  Price : Rs 299.00
  Your Price : Rs 269.10
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  Writing a comprehensive book on Materials Science for the benefit of undergraduate courses in Science and Engineering was a day dream of the first author, Dr. S.O. Pillai for a long period. However, the dream became true after a lapse of couple of years. Lucid and logical exposition of the subject matter is the special feature of this book. The principal topics covered are:

Theories of Metals
Magnetism and Magnetic Properties of Materials
Theory of Semiconductors
Optoelectronics and Lasers
Composite Materials and Non-conventional Energy Sources
Scope of Nanotechnology
Miscellaneous Topics
An elementary treatment of basic topics namely Solid formation, Crystalline state, Wave mechanics of free electrons is found in the beginning of the book. A quick going through these topics may help the readers gain the power of understanding the main topics of the subject ``Science of Condensed Materials`` with trifle effects.
Trial based treatment of some newer topics in the form of direct discussion and conversation such as Insulating materials and their properties and uses, Light emitting diodes and Photon devices, Fibre optics and Holography, Ceramic materials and Polymers, Corrosion and some remedies and Composite materials is made available at the last part of this book.
No author can escape without providing objective questions, problems with solutions and tables giving physical properties of important materials that too in a book like this. This book is not an exception in these features too. ISBN - 9788122433814

Pages : 452
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