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  Freshwater Aquaculture, 3rd Ed.

Freshwater Aquaculture, 3Rd Ed.

by R.K. Rath,

  Price : Rs 975.00
  Your Price : Rs 975.00
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  Participation in the "Brain storming meet on aquaculture 2025: Challenges and Opportunities" on 7th-8th June, 2008 organized by Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyagang, Bhubaneswar and Association of Aquaculturist, CIFA has inspired the author to bring out the third edition of the book "Freshwater Aquaculture". During the last nine years since the publication of the 2nd edition of the book, many challenges and opportunities have been met with in the field of fisheries education and development in India. Due to the adoption of scientific fish farming for production of carp, catfish and prawn, the freshwater aquaculture sector at present contributes more then 2/3rd of the total Inland fish production and as a result the country ranks 2nd in World Aquaculture production. The farming area of commercially important finfish and shellfish is persistently increasing and at the same time "technology transfer" also addresses to the issues of "eco-friendly" and "farmer’s friendly" protection of aqua biodiversity for conserving and maintaining local varieties for the welfare of our future generation. The revised third edition is a comprehensive and better illustrated book covering the major aspects of freshwater aquaculture within Asiatic region with particular focus on the Indian context. In the present revised edition, an attempt has been made not only to update the information but also three additional chapters such as Biotechnology in Aquaculture, Fisheries Extension Education and Ornamental Fish Production and Management are incorporated for the graduate and postgraduate students in the subject concerned. The subjects in the book are dealt with in such a manner that they could easily be understood by the students with an objective analysis of reviewed scientific information collected from various sources. Hope this book would facilitate the teaching of the subject in Colleges and Universities as per their syllabi. ISBN - 9788172336943

Pages : 597
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