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  Managerial Economics

Managerial Economics

by Vanita Agarwal

  Price : Rs 655.00
  Your Price : Rs 537.10
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  It is increasingly being recognized that teaching economics helps business students better appreciate and envisage the economic forces that shape decisions in the real business world besides developing and strengthening the overall analytical talent of the students.

Business schools, both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, worldwide and in India now ensure that students undertake suitable courses in economics. The purpose of teaching Managerial Economics is to equip business students with the ability to deliberate logically and critically the challenging process of framing business strategies later on in their careers. This book caters to these needs in the Indian context in a detailed manner. Salient Features

• Definitions of Important Concepts: In every chapter the definitions are given in margin boxes making it simpler for the student to review and learn these important concepts.
• `;For your information` (FYI) Boxes: In every chapter there are some FYI boxes which contain interesting features and supplementary material relevant to the chapter for some additional information.
• RECAP at the End of Every Section: At the end of each section in very chapter a recap has been given the purpose of which is to assist the student in recapitulating and reviewing the text discussed
• `;True or False Questions` along with answers and review questions at the end of each chapter
• Chapter Summary: Each chapter has at its end a brief summary of the entire chapter which is especially useful during examinations for a quick recollection of the chapter.
• Online Resources: PowerPoint presentations and instructor`s resources are provided for all the chapters in the website ISBN - 9788131775622

Pages : 560
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