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   The Observational Research Handbook

The Observational Research Handbook

by Bill Abrams

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 715.50
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Review: "Building great brands means constantly fishing for new ideas with the power to move consumers. This book should be in every marketer"s tackle box. Bill Abrams provides a guide to observational research that"s fascinating and instructive."
-Elizabeth Ellers Director, Brand Planning & Research Grey Advertising

"Bill Abrams takes a topic that is surrounded by academic mystery and makes it understandable and usable for people in business. The learning that Colgate has obtained from observing people shopping and using our products in their homes has been invaluable in designing new products that meet their needs. Observational research is a cornerstone of our consumer insights program."
-Jim Figura Vice President Consumer Research and Insights Colgate-Palmolive Company

"Bill Abrams creative director turned observational research guru, opens your eyes to how you can determine how consumers actually relate to and use your product. When you finish the book, you will be a believer!"
-Charles D. Peebler Jr. Chairman Emeritus True North Communications

Description: The Observational Research Handbook explores the burgeoning qualitative marketing research technique of ethnography or "descriptive anthropology," the observation and analysis of how consumers respond to a product within their own environments based upon their cultural values and relationships. The most comprehensive professional reference available on the subject, The Observational Research Handbook acquaints marketing and advertising professionals, market researchers, and manufacturers of consumer products with what observational research is, what it can add to a consumer marketing effort, and how an ethnographic marketing study is conducted. The book includes insights on setting study objectives, selecting the appropriate research method, defining the parameters of a study, creating interview scripts, applying specific practices and tips to the actual observations, and then compiling and analyzing the results. A complete case study--featuring a real proposal for an observational research study as well as an actual script and analysis of the results--is included in the appendix. ISBN - 9780658000737

Pages : 304
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