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   Cardiac Pacemakers Step-By-Step: An Illustrated Guide Ill Edition

Cardiac Pacemakers Step-By-Step: An Illustrated Guide Ill Edition

by S. Serge Barold, Roland X. Stroobandt, Alfons F. Sinnaeve

  Price : Rs 1918.00
  Your Price : Rs 1534.40
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At present there is no accessible text on the basics of cardiac pacing for nurses, first year cardiology fellows, technicians, medical students, pacemaker manufacturers and other true beginners seeking a grounding in the discipline. This text assumes knowledge of the essentials of electrocardiography, yet outlines the principles of cardiac pacing from the very beginning.Illustrating each key concept with clear diagrams, professionally prepared in full colour, the authors provide a comprehensible, step-by-step introduction which will have unique value as a teaching aid. Drs. Serge Barold, Roland Stroobandt and Alfons Sinnaeve have brought their extensive experience in cardiac pacing to bear in producing a volume which will be the first port of call for all non-specialists contributing to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with cardiac pacemakers.Over the years we have heard many complaints that there is no very simple book on cardiac pacing for real beginners. We have also heard that all the books on cardiac pacing are too complicated and impossible to understand by beginners. Many have voiced the hope that one day someone would write a book in the same style as Dubin\`s book on basic electrocardiography which is a huge bestseller with well over a million sold in many languages. A \`Dummy\` book on cardiac pacing would appeal to nurses, cardiology technicians, medical students and pacemaker companies for training their staff.We started with the assumption that the reader would know the principles of electrocardiography as in Dubin\`s book but nothing about cardiac pacing. We carefully studied the Dubin book and believe that we have improved his teaching method. The book consists of numbered illustrations each illustrating a concept in the form of a diagram drawn professionally. We have been careful to make the artwork simple for easy comprehension.Each illustration will occupy a page and have several lines of text below it. We have already completed most of these. It is essential that there are all in color, this is a unique selling point.The 3 authors have had vast experience in the field. Dr Barold has published 10 books on cardiac pacing and wrote the section on cardiac pacing in the 4th and 5th Edition of Braunwald\`s book, Heat Disease.\"S. Serge Barold, Roland Stroobandt and Alfons SinnaeveThe plates depicting a concept with occupy 1 pages. Each plate consists of a diagram and a short text. All diagrams are in color. In black and white they wouldlose their teaching value There will be approx 200 plates. There will be approx 100 electrocardiograms. There will be a glossary, appendices and index ISBN 9781405116473

Pages : 352
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