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   Fundamentals of Cosmic Particle Physics

Fundamentals Of Cosmic Particle Physics

by Maxim Khlopov

  Price : Rs 1895.00
  Your Price : Rs 1705.50
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Description: This current English translation of Prof. Khlopov’s book "Osnovy kosmomikrofiziki", URSS, 2004 reflects the large number of scientific advances, both theoretical and experimental, within the discipline of cosmic particle physics in the last 10 years. Some of the topics that have been added or updated include HND or CMD+HND scenarios being implemented into sterile neutrino scenarios, the ramifications of extending the forms of dark matter with respect to our view of neutrinos, the origin of baryon matter and the need for nonbaryonic matter in current theories, problems the existence of dark matter raises with respect to cosmic particle physics and the relationship with (meta) stable (super) weakly interacting particles predicted by the extension of the standard model, restrictions on baryon and lepton photons, as well as problems associated with expansion, among others. These and many other topics are readdressed in light of recent experimental and theoretical developments. Other areas that will be of interest to the reader include the puzzles presented by direct and indirect effects of dark matter (e.g., results of experiments such as DAMA/NaI, DAMA/LIBRA and PAMELA) and may lead to nontrivial new solutions for the problem of its nature, like the existence of new stable families of quarks and leptons and composite dark matter scenario. The present work will be of interest to any researcher in this fascinating field dealing with fundamental interactions of the micro and macroworld.

In this book:

• Hidden sector of particle physics
• Hidden parameters of modern cosmology
• Cosmoarcheology of early Universe
• Relic particles in the period of Big Bang nucleosynthesis
• Antiprotons in the Universe after Big Bang nucleosynthesis
• Non-equilibrium effects as a test of new physics
• New physics in formation of the large-scale structure
• Physical nature of dark matter of the Universe
• Mirror world in the Universe
• Cosmoparticle physics of horizontal unification.


Introduction • Hidden sector of particle physics

Theory of elementary particles – the standard model • Quantum electrodynamics • Gauge symmetry of quantum electrodynamics • Symmetry of the fundamental particles • Standard model of electroweak and strong interactions • Aesthetic and practical reasons for the extension of the standard model • New physics of Grand Unification • New physics in modern models of Grand Unification • Restrictions on baryon and lepton photons • Neutrino mass and the invisible axion • Physics of the neutrino mass • Instability of the neutrino • Axion solution to the problem of strong CP-violation in QCD • Models of the invisible axion

Hidden parameters of modern cosmology

Old scenario of Big Bang Universe • Expanding Universe • Thermal electromagnetic background – trace of hot Universe • Physical cosmology of the old Big Bang scenario • Inflationary cosmology with baryosynthesis and dark matter/energy • Magnetic monopoles in the old Big Bang model • Inflationary recovery of the old Big Bang model • Baryosynthesis • Non-baryonic dark matter and dark energy

Cosmoarcheology of early Universe

Primordial black holes as a tool for cosmoarcheology • Primordial black holes • Primordial black holes as a manifestation of dust stages in the early Universe • Direct formation of PBH in dust stages • Evaporation of PBHs • The formation of black holes in the first order phase transitions • Configuration of the field in the collision of bubble walls • Gravitational collapse of the false vacuum bag and the formation of PBH • First order phase transitions in the early Universe

Relic particles in the period of Big Bang nucleosynthesis

Effects of new particles and nucleosynthesis • Constraints on the total cosmological density • Shift of the equilibrium rate of ß-processes • Non-equilibrium particles and abundance of 4He • Metastable particles and the spectrum of thermal background radiation • Distortion of the spectrum of thermal electromagnetic background • Dominance of metastable particles during nucleosynthesis

Antiprotons in the Universe after Big Bang nucleosynthesis

PBH evaporation as the source of the nucleon–antinucleon pairs • Effects of the annihilation of antiprotons with 4 He nuclei in the abundance of deuterium and 3He • Constraints on sources of antiprotons • Constraints on primordial black holes and the theoretical mechanism of their formation • Problem of relic gravitinos • Constraints on the structure of domains of antimatter

Non-equilibrium effects as a test of new physics

Non-equilibrium cosmological nucleosynthesis • Kinetic equation for non-equilibrium particles • Kinetic equation for weak sources in the RD stage • Non-equilibrium nucleosynthesis Some special cases • ASTROBELIX project • Constraints on antiprotons annihilating in the RD stage, from the observed abundance of lithium and beryllium • Cosmological backgrounds of non-equilibrium particles High-energy neutrinos on the RD stage • Large volume experiments as a tool for cosmoparticle physics

New physics in formation of the large-scale structure

The problems of large-scale structure • The problem of initial fluctuations • The problem of self-consistent formation of structure of inhomogeneities and anisotropy of cosmic microwave background radiation • Problem of physical consistency in the theory of large-scale structure formation • Neutrino mass and large scale structure of Universe • Massive neutrinos in the Universe • Gravitational instability of gas of massive neutrinos • Formation of structure in the neutrino-dominated Universe

Physical nature of dark matter of the Universe

The structure of the Universe as a particle detector of dark matter • Constraints on unstable particles from the conditions of formation of the structure • Difficulties of simple models of dark matter • Arguments in favour of unstable dark matter component • Dark matter in the galaxy • Condensation of dark matter in galaxies • Annihilation of weakly interacting massive particles in the Galaxy • Search for WIMP in the Galaxy on the basis of their direct and indirect effects

Mirror world in the Universe

Mirror particles • Equivalence of left and right in the nature • Fractons and Alice strings • Mirror particles in early Universe • Inflation and the constraints on the mirror domain structure • Inhomogeneous baryosynthesis and island distribution of mirror baryons • Nucleosynthesis and the mirror world • The formation of astronomical objects from mirror matter • Separation of ordinary and mirror matter • Accretion of gas on astronomical objects with different mirrority • Observational physics of mirror matter • Galaxies and clusters of galaxies with specific mirrority • Mirror matter on the scale of globular clusters • Effects of mirror matter at the scale of stars

Cosmoparticle physics of horizontal unification

Physical grounds of horizontal unification • Symmetry of generations of fermions • Gauge model of broken symmetry between the generations • Early Universe in the model of horizontally unification • Inflation dynamics and the energy scale • Formation of primordial black holes in a model of horizontal unification • Early ‘horizontal’ phase transitions • Large-scale modulation in the distribution of the primordial axion field • Model of horizontal unification and cosmology of dark matter • Unified description of various forms of dark matter on the basis of the hidden sector of models of horizontal unification • Models of dark matter resulting in horizontal unification • History of the Universe based on the model of horizontal unification ISBN - 9788130922959

Pages : 440
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