This book consists of 23 chapters, 3055 questions withanswersand a glossary covering most of the related technical terms.Eachchapter start with point wise brief of the text followed byMCQs,fill in the blanks and T/F questions useful and beneficial inJRF,SRF, NET, SET, UG and PG examinations. This is a shortofcompendium includes detail of cells, its development anddivision;Mendel and his discoveries, genetic mapping and generegulation inProkaryotes and Eukaryotes; sex determination anddevelopment;chromosome; DNA structure and replication; genechemistry, genemutation and DNA repair; recombination andtransposition at themolecular level; plant biotechnology and theiruses; genomeanalysis and its uses; functional genomics, proteomicsandbioinformatics; genetics of cancer; developmental andquantitativegenetics; population and evolutionary genetics followedby glossaryof the related terms.ISBN - 9788190723794
Pages : 507