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  Telecommunications Reform in India

Telecommunications Reform In India

by Rafiq Dossan

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 805.50
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  Telecommunications reform in India is complete, according to policymakers there. They have done everything “correctly” in their efforts to transform a state-run monopoly into an independently regulated sector in which private companies compete with government-owned and operated providers. And yet, India lags behind nations whose telecom sectors provided comparable levels of service a decade ago. What went wrong? Dossani and his contributors argue that the classic textbook solutions are insufficient to produce a healthy telecom industry in India, which needs to improve regulatory design, introduce competition in a single phase instead of gradually, implement innovative funding models, and choose appropriate technologies in order to improve access to universal service. Containing valuable lessons for the telecommunications industries in Mexico, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other countries taking formerly state-run industries private. ISBN - 9788176493925

Pages : 288
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