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   Workplace Learning & Development

Workplace Learning & Development

by Jackie Clifford & Sara Thorpe

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  Description: Learning and development is essential to organizational success. Training courses were traditionally used as the key method of teaching, but increasingly the focus is shifting to individuals and managers adopting a more flexible approach to learning. Organizations are being held responsible for maximizing the skills, knowledge and behaviours available to them, ensuring that employees are not solely learning new skills, but are using their existing skills to maximum effect. Workplace Learning and Development guides managers and employees through the concept of workplace learning. It identifies the variety of flexible learning strategies and methods, explains how to select the right method for a specific situation, and illustrates how these methods can add value to overall performance. Real-life examples of workplace learning are included to allow readers to gain insight into how it works and more importantly, how they could use it to address their specific needs.

Contents : Setting the scene (Learning and development in context); Analyzing development needs; Introduction to adult learning; Learning and development methods; Selecting the right methods; Development plans - theory into practice; Assessing the impact; Putting your learning into practiceISBN - 9780749451523

Pages : 192
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