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Clinical Opthalmology

by V Kalevar

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  This book provides the basic clinical knowledge of Ophthalmology to undergraduate students. It describes all the basic aspects that are important for a beginner and highlights the Tropical ophthalmic diseases besides trachoma, malnutrition and community ophthalmology. Chapters on history of ophthalmology, evolution of vision sense, development of eye ball, introduction of immunology, symptomatology and ocular therapeutics are significant contributions to the book. Accurate illustrations and clinical photographs (74 in colour and 94 in Black/white) depicting both normal and diseased conditions will help the reader understand the subject better. The book is expected to be particularly useful for MBBS, Diploma and MS ophthalmology students. General practitioners of ophthalmology too may use it for reference when needed. List of Figures; 1. History of Ophthalmology; 2. Evolution of Sense of Vision Development of Eyeball; 3. Anatomy of the Eyeball; 4. Vision and Visual Functions; 5. History Taking and Ocular Symptomatology; 6. Examination of the Eye; 7. Eye Lid and Its Diseases; 8. Conjunctiva and its Diseases; 9. Cornea, Limbus and the Sclera; 10. Anterior Chamber; 11. The Uveal Tract; 12. Physiological Lens and the Cataract; 13. Glaucoma; 14. Vitreous; 15. Retina; 16. Neuroophthalmology; 17. Systemic Diseases and Important Ocular Manifestations; 18. Strabismus (Squint and Orthoptics); 19. Lacrimal System; 20. Orbit; 21. Injuries of the Eye; 22. Prognostic Evaluation; 23. Optics Physical and Physiological; 24. Retinoscopy and Errors of Refraction; 25. Congenital Anomalies of The Eye Ball; 26. Introduction to Immunology; 27. Ocular Therapeutics; 28. Community Ophthalmology, Index. ISBN - 9788180521485

Pages : 568
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