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   Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession, 7/e

Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession, 7/E

by Samuel T. Gladding

  Price : Rs 775.00
  Your Price : Rs 635.50
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Still the most readable, practical, and comprehensive overview of the roles and responsibilities of the professional counselor on the market, the seventh edition of Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession is updated and improved to meet the emerging needs of the developing counselor. Containing an even stronger emphasis on counseling as a profession and counseling as an identity along with new or expanded sections on history, wellness, trauma, social justice, multiculturalism, rehabilitation, motivational interviewing, bullying, microaggression, international counseling, process addiction, abuse, and ethical and legal issues in counseling, this text is more equipped to help students prepare for professional challenges and a lifetime as an effective counselor than ever before.
Salient Features

•Emphasis on becoming a professional counselor and the profession of counseling--This book helps readers learn about what counseling is, where it is conducted, what specialties are in the field, and how the process moves from beginning to end with different populations.
•Comprehensiveness and readability of the text--Readers are able to see the entire spectrum of what counseling is, where it has been, and what its possibilities are in the future. Students should find the organization of the text and the writing style easy to follow and engaging. There are case examples and personal reflection sections within each chapter which is helpful to readers in personalizing the material and not just learning facts.
•The book includes the latest research from counseling journals and prompts the reader throughout to reflect on why he or she is considering entrance into the field--This text gives readers current information as well as challenges them to think why might want to be counselors.ISBN - 9789332518957

Pages : 470
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