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   DPP for JEE - Main/AIIMS/NEET Chemistry with Solution Book

Dpp For Jee - Main/Aiims/Neet Chemistry With Solution Book

by Disha Experts

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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Daily Practice Problem (DPP) Sheets for JEE Main/AIIMS/NEET Chemistry Kota`s formula to Success Prepare Assess Improve Assessment is the most integral part of a student preparation but still most of them avoid it. Assessment can only tell where you stand and how you can improve from that point. So it is very important that you take the right assessment, which is on the correct pattern, has the same level of difficulty as the actual exam and covers all the important concepts of the subject. Disha Publication launches a first of its kind product which changed the way coaching was conducted in Kota, the hub of Engineering and Medical Entrance education in India. The book Daily Practice Problem (DPP) Sheets for JEE Main/NEET Chemistry is precise, apt and tuned to all the requirements of a JEE Main aspirant. No matter where you prepare from a coaching or NCERT books or any other textbook Guide, Daily practice problem sheets provides you the right assessment on each topic. Your performance provides you the right cues to improve your concepts so as to perform better in the final examination. It is to be noted here that these are not tests but act as a checklist of student learning and ability to apply concepts to different problems. It is our strong belief that if an aspirant works hard on the cues provided through each of the DPP sheets he/she can improve his/her learning and finally the score by at least 20 %. Key Differentiating Features of the DPP Sheets, Division of the complete JEE Main/NEET syllabus into 60 most important topics. Each chapter has been broken into 2 or more topics. Time Limit, Maximum marks, Cut-off, Qualifying Score for each DPP Sheet. Ultimate tool for Concept Checking & Speed Building. Collection of 1750+ Standardised MCQs that will of all variety of questions. Unique & innovative way of learning separate booklet for solutions, covers all important Concepts of each topic as per latest pattern & syllabus of JEE Main/NEET exam. Compliant to all boards of education. ISBN - 9789383379262

Pages : 356
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