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   Step by Step: Learning Language and Life Skills, 3/e

Step By Step: Learning Language And Life Skills, 3/E

by K Nirupa Rani ,Jayashree Mohanraj,B. Indira,B. Sai Lakshmi

  Price : Rs 199.00
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  Despite centuries of advances in the way we lead our lives, the exploration of the human condition through communication and interpretation remains unchanged. Language emphasizes the meaning, purpose and goals of the human condition, and helps us decide what is important in our lives and what we can do to make it better. Step by Step: Learning Language and Life Skills goes beyond merely teaching English, and integrates an activity-based language teaching programme with everyday aspects of our lives. The approach of this book aims to empower young professionals with the confidence and skills to engage with and address the world they live in.In keeping with the Common European Framework for language learning, the third edition of Step by Step continues to streamline learning into a multilevel progression with the aim of making students independent users of the English language. The themes of adaptability, gender sensitivity, health and ethics build a concrete framework of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, making each chapter a tool for comprehensive learning and assessment.To facilitate students` understanding of the importance of their performance in the actual examinations, three model question papers designed on the exact format of university examinations have been included in this edition of Step by Step. This will allow each student to assess their individual performance within the time limit of an examination and familiarize them to the format and sequence of questions as they will appear in the question papers. An extra set of practice exercises has also been provided for further honing of skills.This book will give students the ability to communicate, interpret and interact, and at the same time sensitize them to the events unfolding around them. As their decisions and work influence multiple lives, the skills they acquire today will help them steer the world around them towards a better future.ISBN - 9788131792100

Pages : 296
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