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  Kit for CAT: A 100 Day Action Plan for 360 Degree Preparation: Data Interpretation-Data Sufficiency

Kit For Cat: A 100 Day Action Plan For 360 Degree Preparation: Data Interpretation-Data Sufficiency

by Shalini Verma

  Price : Rs 230.00
  Your Price : Rs 188.60
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This first-of-it`s-kind series from Pearson, equips and prepares the students to have a crack at the CAT examination in mere 100 days! Intelligently divided into 6 books, this Kit for CAT series will help the aspirants to focus on different topics and master them. The layout of each book is such that an action plan has been provided spanning over 100 days with a clear direction on how and what to prepare on each day. Providing ample practice questions, in congruence with the questions that appear in the CAT, it makes sure that the aspirants are able to achieve their goal.
Salient Features

• Systematically divided into 6 volumes for individual focus
• Content of each volume has been spread over 100 days mentioning what and how to prepare each day
• Balanced coverage of content
Chapter-end exercises with explanatory notes makes this a must-have ISBN - 9788131773642

Pages : 248
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