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  The Life and Times of Krishna : The Deity Who Lived as Man

The Life And Times Of Krishna : The Deity Who Lived As Man

by J. B. Patro

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 535.50
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  The essence of the Philosophy of Life, as enunciated by Lord Krishna to the warrior Arjuna in the Bhagvad Gita, is one of the most important works of human civilisationa guiding document for all of mankind. In addition to his godly stature, Lord Krishna has been the subject of legends and literature, political and theosophical discussions, controversies and conflicts. His image has been moulded in the minds of believers and skeptics, poets and artists, reflecting the tenor of each age and time. As a consequence, it is difficult to separate the historical Krishna from the mythical and spiritual Krishna.

Under the layers of the divine Krishna, the avatar and incarnation, the historical Krishna encapsulates the story of a man of exceptional qualities and a model for all times. This book brings to the reader this extraordinary man, a consummate statesman and nation builder, a warrior and teacher, a philosopher and mystica unique persona which is man`s empirical understanding of the divine form.

This book is very relevant to the times we live in, as the present state of our society sorely points to the need for a Krishna to be, once again, in the midst of us. It is hoped that reading about the historical Krishna will inspire us to lead better lives, through the pursuit of dharma, above all else.

ISBN - 9788183283298

Pages : 478
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