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   Molecular Thermodynamics

Molecular Thermodynamics

by Donald A. Mcquarrie & John D. Simon

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 805.50
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  Reviews: "The writing is exceptionally clear, and explanations are lucid and sound."
—The Chemical Educator

"This book represents a sort of down-sized version of the Magnum Opus by the same authors: Physical Chemistry, A Molecular Approach. For those readers who are already familiar with this book and like it, I can say that: this one gives you basically the same goodies but in a more digestible form...McQuarrie is emerging as one of the the best writers on undergrad thermodynamics and statistical mechanics around..."
—Journal of Statistical Physics

"An extremely large number of worked examples and end-of-chapter problems supplement this excellent book."

—Science & Technology

Description: Evolved from McQuarrie and Simon’s best-selling textbook, Physical Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, this text focuses in on the thermodynamics portion of the course. Although many of the chapters in Molecular Thermodynamics are similar to chapters in the larger physical chemistry text, new material has been added throughout along with three entirely new chapters on "The Energy Levels of Atoms and Molecules," "Thermodynamics of Electrochemical Cells," and "Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics." The text also includes five short "Math Chapters," each with a special set of problems that will help students review and summarize the mathematical tools required to master the material. Worked examples and chapter-ending problems with solutions are also included throughout the book.

Contents : The energy levels of atoms and molecules • Numerical methods • Probability and statistics • Series and limits • Partial functions and ideal gases • Partial differentiation • The first law of thermodynamics • The binomial distribution and Stirling’s approximation • Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics • Entropy and the third law of thermodynamics • Helmholtz and Gibbs energies • Phase equilibrium • Solutions I: Liquid-liquid solutions • Solutions I: Solid-liquid • Chemical Equilibrium • Thermodynamics of electrochemical cells • Nonequilibrium thermodynamics • Index ISBN - 9788130915869

Pages : 660
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