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  Constructive Conflicts, 4/e

Constructive Conflicts, 4/E

by Louis Kriesberg And Bruce W. Dayton

  Price : Rs 695.00
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  Review: This sweeping and comprehensive study explores conflict phenomena from every possible angle, with particular attention to the origins and cycles of the most destructive conflicts and the variety of roads available for conflict termination. Its lucid and accessible presentation make the volume well-suited as a core text for coursework in conflict resolution as well as a practitioners’ handbook of the ways in which conflict parties, as well as third parties, can deal with conflict constructively.
— Chester A. Crocker, James R. Schlesinger Professor of Strategic Studies, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University

The mass protests, resulting violence and intergroup tensions within communities around the world this past year have made this fourth edition of Constructive Conflicts an urgently needed addition to dispute resolution literature. The authors have reshaped the relevant theory and rigorous analysis of past editions, building in the learning from recent events and situations. The result is successful, with the objective of improving the understanding and decisions of political leaders, non-governmental actors, academics and students of conflict management. Of special interest is the new Chapter 10, which recognizes that ‘the ‘end’ of conflict simply marks its transformation from one state to another.’ It identifies the outcome conditions, conflict sequences and post-agreement consequences that shape the new post-conflict relationships, and offers key guides to help decision makers and practitioners in designing a more constructive future for disputing parties. Conflict management practitioners will want this book as a handy reference on their bookshelf to help frame strategies that will assure better outcomes for their clients.
— John Murray, senior consultant, CMPartners, LLC

Any doubt about the social nature of conflict will be dispelled by Constructive Conflicts. The fourth edition gives us an updated version of Louis Kriesberg’s landmark work, placing social conflict in multiple contexts of history, politics and institutional dynamics. Professor Kriesberg’s new collaboration with Bruce Dayton adds freshness to a book that counts among the foundational classics of the field.
— Beth Roy, peace and conflict studies, University of California, BerkeleyDescription: This comprehensive and highly regarded book provides a framework for analyzing diverse social conflicts. The fourth edition of Constructive Conflicts maintains the book’s synthesis of theories about conflict, with key updates throughout. These include a more reader-friendly first chapter, new examples such as the Arab Spring, expanded discussions of recovery from violence and oppression, of reconciliation, and of moral concerns, and new discussions of social media and other ways conflicts are waged. Constructive Conflicts discusses the emergence, escalation, de-escalation, transformation, and settlement of conflicts. The book includes discussions of a full range of large-scale conflicts at both the domestic and international levels. Throughout, the authors examine strategies to minimize the destructiveness of and foster constructive ways to wage and resolve conflict.


Chapter 1: Analyzing Social Conflicts • Defining Social Conflicts • Five Core Ideas about Social Conflicts Varieties of Conflicts • Combinations Constituting Destructiveness and Constructiveness

Chapter 2: Bases of Social Conflicts • Internal Factors • System Context • Relations between Adversaries • Synthesis

Chapter 3: The Emergence of Conflicts • Identities of Self and Others • Grievance • Forming Contentious Goals • Believing Redress is Possible • Conclusions

Chapter 4: Alternative Conflict Strategies • Types of Inducements • Strategies and Modes of Struggle • Illustrative Strategies • Conclusions

Chapter 5: Adopting Conflict Strategies • Partisan Goals • Partisan Characteristics • Relations Between Adversaries • Social Context • Conclusions

Chapter 6: Escalation of Conflicts • Dimensions of Escalation • Processes of Escalation • Policies and Conditions Shaping Escalation • Conclusions

Chapter 7: The De-escalation of Conflicts • Processes of De-Escalation • Changing Conditions • De-Escalation Policies • Conclusions

Chapter 8: Mediation in Conflicts • Mediation Defined • Social Roles • Shapers of Mediator Roles • Assessing Mediation Contributions • ConclusionsChapter 9: Settling Conflicts through Negotiated and Nonnegotiated Means • Variations in Settlement Outcomes • Paths to Settlement • Forms and Stages of Negotiation • Conclusions

Chapter 10: Outcomes and Post-Termination Sequences • Variations in Outcomes • Variations in Post-Termination Sequences • Internal Consequences • Consequences for the Social Context • Constructive Transformations • Conclusions

Chapter 11: Synthesis, Specifications, and Challenges • Synthesis • Specifications • Challenges • Conclusions

Appendix A: Selected Organizations in the Field of Constructive Conflicts
Appendix B: Selected Websites Relating to Social ConflictsISBN - 9788130921129

Pages : 448
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