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   Chemistry of Natural Products (Volume 2) 1st Edition

Chemistry Of Natural Products (Volume 2) 1St Edition

by Ashutosh Kar

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 556.00
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  It comprises five main topics namely: Terpenoids, Chemistry and Biochemical Action of Vitamins, Natural Dyes, Purines Pyrimidines and Nucleic Acids, and Natural Products: Colour Reaction Tests. The original style of presentation has been strictly adhered to in respect of introduction nomenclature classification structures extraction isolation characteristic features constitution and synthesis of certain selected important constituents from Natural Products. A few biosynthetic pathways have also been discussed with proper explanations wherever necessary. Due care has been taken to provide correct chemical structures of various plant constituents based on the Natural Products according to the latest Merck Index so that the end-users and teachers may find it authentic. Appropriate explanations of various courses of sunthctic routes have been explored to render the text matter easily comprehensible as well as convincing. Both M.Sc. Students specializing in Chemistry Biotechnology Biochemistry Pharmaceutical Chemistry Molecular Biology Microbiology and other allied disciplines may find the present textbook a pathfinder. ISBN 9788123920726

Pages : 620
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