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  Killer Brands (Create and Market a Brand That Will Annihilate the Competition)

Killer Brands (Create And Market A Brand That Will Annihilate The Competition)

by Frank Lane

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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What’s the difference between a ho-hum product that hurts your bottom line and a Killer Brand that compels people to choose it and use it? In Killer Brands, marketing guru Frank Lane reveals his recognized three-step method to unlocking the marketplace and creating brands that annihilate the competition. His secrets? •FOCUS how to find the one singular, differentiating, and powerfully compelling quality that will make your Killer Brand known-not because of what it says it does, but because it does what it says •ALIGNMENT how to connect everything that you do in perfect harmony to deliver that focus consistently time after time, making sure that nothing you do inadvertently detracts from that expectation •LINKAGE how to make your Killer Brand synonymous with the product in the marketplace, so the consumer thinks of only your brand when the need arises No matter if you’re selling socks or software, by following these three tenets of branding, you’re guaranteed to kill the competition and create a dynamic, thriving brand About Author: Frank Lane founded the company now known as FrankLane Ltd in 1981 after a sixteen-year career with major consumer products companies. Prior to that, Frank was president and chief operating officer of Neutrogena Products. Before Neutrogena, he held marketing posts at SC Johnson Wax, Procter & Gamble, and General Electric. He lives in Atlanta, GA. Frank is widely sought as a public speaker. He is chairman of the Kokopelli Institute of fertile business thinking and is co-chairman of Le Mode Demain, a global organization of business futurists. ISBN - 9781598691238

Pages : 211
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