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  ICSSR Research Surveys and Explorations: Political Science, Box Set, Volumes 1-4

Icssr Research Surveys And Explorations: Political Science, Box Set, Volumes 1-4

by Achin Vanaik

  Price : Rs 4995.00
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  The Indian State is the first of a four-volume research surveys and explorations in political science conducted by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). While focusing on the review of literature on the Indian State during 2003-9, this volume goes beyond the confines of this period to explore links, continuities, and research trends since the 1950s.

Indian Democracy is the second of a four-volume research surveys and explorations in political science conducted by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). This volume examines key issues confronting Indian democracy and provides an analytical overview of the changing perceptions of it over the past two decades.

Indian Political Thought is the third of a four volume research surveys and explorations in political science conducted by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). This volume critically reviews research done on ancient, medieval, and modern Indian political thought.

India Engages the World is the last of a four volume research surveys and explorations in political science conducted by the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR). This volume focuses on the transformations occurring in the research, practice, and theories of international relations in India.

This one-of-its-kind survey will be of interest to students and research scholars of political science, comparative politics, political sociology, and development studies. It will also be useful to those interested in international relations and Indian foreign policy, as well as the concerned general reader.

ISBN - 9780198092445

Pages : 1488
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