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  Vascular Surgery Made Easy  With 3 DVD-ROMS, 2013

Vascular Surgery Made Easy With 3 Dvd-Roms, 2013

by Manohar B Kalbande

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 876.00
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  Vascular surgery is a specialty dealing with diseases of arteries, veins and lymphatics. As there is no medicine counterpart, such as cardiology for cardiac surgery and neurology for neurosurgery, vascular surgeon has to deal with both medical and surgical aspects of the diseases. Consequently, newer techniques have been developed of endovascular grafting for thoracic and abdominal aneurysms, which has proved to be patientfriendly. Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering are making their impact in further development of the specialty. Duplex ultrasound imaging, CT angiography with 3D reconstruction, MR angiography, IVUS, etc. are the investigative modalities, which are proving very much helpful in diagnosis and follow-up of the patients. The knowledge of vascular specialty is vast and volume of knowledge is being added regularly. Hence, it becomes impossible even for the comprehensive textbooks to accommodate the expanding knowledge and to update. The present book is meant to be a short book for learning fundamentals of vascular surgery, which should prove useful for medical and postgraduate students. For comprehensive knowledge, the students are advised to refer the textbooks. Video DVD of the most commonly performed procedures is being provided. ISBN - 9789350903940

Pages : 236
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