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   Organic Spices

Organic Spices

by V. A Parthasarathy

  Price : Rs 2950.00
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  The global changes warranted fastness in food production system and fast foods. in tune with demand, crop production also oriented accordingly. However, the proverb Health is a Wealth is reminded us to keep vigil on system and method of food production and food safety. The ill-effect of conventional chemical based farming well documented and public realized the importance organically produced food and efforts are being made to popularize the organic production. India is a "Land of Spices", each state or union territory in India cultivates one or other spice. Since spices form a part of many medicines the demand for organically produced spices is increasing considerably. Assuming a market growth of 10% in Europe, USA and Japan for organic spice products the world demand for organic spices may grow to 57000 tonnes in the next 10 years. Large scale use of high analysis fertilizers and pesticides result environmental hazards and imbalances in soil nutrients. Since spices are high valued and export oriented in nature it is imperative to keep the levels of pesticide residues below tolerance limits in view of the standards set by the importing countries.

Hence the book on "Organic Spices" is timely and covers all aspects of organic spice production. The topic includes historical spice trade and importance of spices in food chain. Brief account on organic agriculture movement in the world and its present status and opportunity for organic spices in the world market are given. The chemistry and different methods of composting are included in the organic manures chapter will be informative. Microbes play a greater role in agriculture, a separate chapter devoted on microbes and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria would definitely enrich the readers. Not only that, the topics on biological control of insect pests, nematodes, fungus and bacteria of spices highlighted in separate chapters would be of interest in organic production system. The importance, composition, uses, botany and varieties, organic way of production of spices like black pepper, cardamom, ginger, turmeric, chillies and paprika, nutmeg, vanilla, seed spices like cumin, fennel, fenugreek, coriander and their harvest and post harvest processing are enumerated. The chapters on good agricultural practices (GAP) and organic certification procedures outlined for adoption. This would serve as a reference book for researchers, teachers and students besides farmers, traders and consumers.ISBN - 9788189422844

Pages : 700
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