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   The Pearson Guide to Inorganic Chemistry for the Medical Entrance Examination

The Pearson Guide To Inorganic Chemistry For The Medical Entrance Examination

by Atul Singhal

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 369.00
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The Pearson Guide to Inorganic Chemistry for the Medical Entrance Examination is an invaluable book for all the students preparing for the prestigious medical entrance examination. It provides class-tested course material and problems that will supplement any kind of coaching or resource the students might be using. Because of its comprehensive and in-depth approach, it will be especially helpful for those students who do not have enough time or money to take classroom courses.

Salient Features

A careful scrutiny of previous years` A.I.P.M.T papers and various other competitive PMT examinations during the last 10 to 12 years was made before writing this book. It is strictly based on the latest AIPMT/STATE P.M.T syllabus (2009-10) recommended by the executive board. It covers the subject in a structured way and familiarizes students with the trends in these examinations. Not many books in the market can stand up to this material when it comes to the strict alignment with the prescribed syllabus.

It is written in a lucid manner to assist students to understand the concepts without the help of any guide.

The objective of this book is to provide this vast subject in a structured and useful manner so as to familiarize the candidates taking the current examinations with the current trends and types of multiple-choice questions asked.

The multiple-choice questions have been arranged in following categories:

Gear Up I (To Revise the Concepts)
Gear Up II (To Sharpen the Concepts)
Gear Up III (Concept Crackers)
A Peep into the AIPMT
MCQ`s from Recent Entrance exams
Assertion and Reason

ISBN - 9788131787830

Pages : 608
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