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  Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development

Cracking Windows Phone And Blackberry Native Development

by Matthew Baxter-Reynolds

  Price : Rs 475.00
  Your Price : Rs 427.50
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  You`ve developed a killer app for one mobile device—now it’s time to maximize your intellectual investment and develop for the full spectrum of mobile platforms and devices. With Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development, you’ll learn how to quickly retool your application between the Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry platforms and broaden the interest and audience of your app.

Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development takes you through the same mobile software development project on each platform, learning the differences between and the relative strengths and weaknesses of each platform as you go. No magic intermediate layers of obfuscation—by the time you get to the end, you`ll be an expert at developing for any of the major smartphone platforms using each vendor`s preferred toolset and approach.

Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development covers the Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry platforms, as well as the development of a general web application accessible on other devices.

If you`re interested in taking your app into the world of iPhone and Android, be sure to check out the companion volume, Cracking iPhone and Android Native Development,

What you’ll learn

How to develop, end-to-end, the same application on the Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry platforms
How to develop the same mobile application as a hosted web application, mainly for comparison and debugging
The different service architectures available on each platform, concentrating on services related to storage, communications and security
Key differences in deploying and managing applications on the various platforms
How to translate experience at developing on one platform to speed development when attempting a project on a different platform
Plus, stay on top of developments in the mobile application space

Who this book is for
Cracking Windows Phone and BlackBerry Native Development is the essential book for software developers looking to build applications that run natively, without cumbersome compatibility layers and toolkits, on Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile, and BlackBerry platforms.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Six Bookmarks Server Service
3. Application Architecture and Functional Specification
4. Windows Phone 7—Installing the Toolset
5. Windows Phone 7—Building the Logon Form and Consuming REST Services
6. Windows Phone 7—Persisting Bookmarks Locally
7. Windows Phone 7—Pushing Changes Back to the Server
8. Six Bookmarks on Windows Mobile
9. Blackberry—Installing the Toolset
10. Blackberry—Building the Logon Form and Consuming REST Services
11. Blackberry—An ORM Layer on SQLite
12. Blackberry—Pushing Changes Back to the Server ISBN - 9781430233749

Pages : 364
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