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   MRCS Part A: 500 SBAs and EMQs 1st Edition

Mrcs Part A: 500 Sbas And Emqs 1St Edition

by Christopher Jk Bulstrode, William Fm Wallace, Pradip K Datta

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 396.00
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  The Intercollegiate MRCS examination (Member of the Royal College of Surgeons) is taken in two parts, Part A and Part B. This book is primarily meant to help those preparing for the Part A exam and covers every aspect of basic surgical knowledge that is expected of the candidate. The book adheres to the syllabus. It is written in the format of the examination but with an essential difference. The reader is supplied with the answer and is given a detailed explanation for each one. A good explanation goes a long way in helping to understand a subject and thus cement the knowledge in ones mind. In each chapter all the questions are at the beginning, with the answers at the end. This approach helps the reader resist the temptation to look at the answer immediately; it thus acts as a personal tutorial and a self-asessment exercise. The answers are liberally illustrated with images, clinical photographs, line drawings and algorithms. The contributors have subscribed to the dictum A picture is worth a thousand words. The illustrations will help the reader to remember the clinical features, macroscopic pathology and imaging as they read a particular topic. ISBN 9781907816338

Pages : 384
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