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   	 Appcelerator Titanium Smartphone App Development Cookbook

Appcelerator Titanium Smartphone App Development Cookbook

by Boydlee Pollentine

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  What you will learn from this book

Design compelling interfaces using native components
Consume remote data sources using both XML and JSON
Utilize SQLite to leverage local data capture and offline storage
Integrate with Google Maps and learn how to draw routes, use the compass, create annotations and more
Create brilliant layout effects using animations and transitions
Integrate with social media such as Twitter and Facebook
Integrate with third party services including FourSquare and Urban Airship Push notifications
Take full advantage of your device`s camera and audio capture capabilities

In Detail
Appcelerator Titanium Mobile allows developers to realize their potential to develop full native iPhone and Android applications by using free Titanium Studio tools without the need to know Objective-C or Java. This practical hands-on cookbook shows you exactly how to leverage the Titanium API to its full advantage and become confident in developing mobile applications in no time at all.

Appcelerator Titanium Smartphone App Development Cookbook offers a set of practical and clear recipes with a step-by-step approach for building native applications for both the iPhone and Android platforms using your existing knowledge of JavaScript.

This cookbook takes a pragmatic approach to using your JavaScript knowledge to create applications for the iPhone and Android platforms, from putting together basic UIs to handling events and implementation of third party services such Twitter, Facebook and Push notifications. This book shows you how to utilize both remote and local datasources using XML, JSON and the SQLite database system. The topics covered will guide you to use popular Titanium Studio tools effectively and help you leverage all the advanced mobile features such as Geolocation, Accelerometer, animation and more. Finally, you`ll learn how to register developer accounts and how to publish your very own apps to the Android and Apple marketplaces. ISBN 9789350237908

Pages : 492
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