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  MediaWiki 1.1 Beginner`s Guide

Mediawiki 1.1 Beginner`S Guide

by Jeff Orloff, Mizanur Rahman

  Price : Rs 999.00
  Your Price : Rs 849.15
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  Install, manage, and customize your own MediaWiki-based site

Install and administer MediaWiki to build a successful wiki site
Master the many administrative tasks associated with running and securing your wiki
Clear focus on beginners with lots of step-by-step instructions and clear explanation
Up-to-date with version 1.15 of MediaWiki, released in June 2009

In Detail
MediaWiki is the free, open-source wiki engine software that powers Wikipedia and many of the other popular wikis across the Web. Written in PHP, it possesses many features that make it the engine of choice for large collaborative wikis: flexible markup, comprehensive user management, multimedia handling, and more. Whether you are creating a public wiki for open contributions, a private wiki for collaborating within your work team or group of friends, or even a wiki for personal use, this book will provide you with all the essential steps you require to achieve this.

This book covers how to administer users, back up and restore content safely, migrate your installation to another server or database, and even make hacks to the code. From the installation process to customizing the pages, you will learn what it takes to run a well designed, secure MediaWiki site.

Throughout the course of this book, you will see the many different ways that MediaWiki can be used on the Web. This book covers the open source MediaWiki wiki engine from installation and getting started through structuring your collaborative web site, advanced formatting, images, and multimedia to migrating your installation and creating new MediWiki templates. While you will be introduced to the many uses of a wiki, you will also be taken through step-by-step exercises that will help you master the many administrative tasks associated with running and securing your wiki. You will learn how to prevent unauthorized edits being made to content, how to prevent spam, how to back up and restore your wiki, how to configure its look and functionality to suit your needs, and much more. ISBN 9789350231548

Pages : 364
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