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  Process Biotechnology Fundamentals, 2/e

Process Biotechnology Fundamentals, 2/E

by S. N. Mukhopadhyay

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  Description: In the amazing advancement of process biotechnology, the pressing need of the current millennium is to exploit biological processes. In order to do this various fundamental aspects of process biotechnology need to be understood adequately. This book in its second edition is intended for teaching senior or graduate level courses, and as a self-study text for practising biochemical engineers, biotechnologists, applied and industrial microbiologists, cell biologists, scientists involved in bioprocessing research and development and other related fields.It continues to give intensive quantitative training in the industry/ practical applications of the principles of biosystems, and finding the solution of bioprocessing problems.

The book has the following unique features:

- Integration of academic and practical bioprocessing principles towards process biotechnology development.

- Research generated data never before published in a single collated text.

- Detailed aspects of oxygen mass transfer in biological systems.

- Ways to control undesirable microorganisms.

- Provides scope for progressive development in scale up of industrial bioprocessing system.

- Systematic design engineering calculations of bioprocessing systems.

- Abundance of illustrative tables, figures and mathematical relations.

- Numerous mathematical problems and multiple choice questions.

Contents: Introduction Ø Engineering Biology of Cells and Molecules they Synthesize Ø Medium Engineering for Cell Cultivation and Bioreactions Ø Contamination Free Fluids for Process Biotechnology Ø Concerns of Aeration and Mixing/ Agitation in Bioprocessing Ø New Bioprocessing: Aspects and Strategies Ø Bioreactors and Biosensors Ø Bioprocessing Scale Up: Concerns and Criteria Ø Bioproducts: Modern Estimation and Bioassay Ø Bioproducts Recovery: Conventional and Newer Methods Ø Treatment Biotechnology of Liquid Wastes and Water Ø Control of Undesirable Microorganisms in BiosystemsISBN - 9788130914299

Pages : 582
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