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  Civil Society and the Aid Industry

Civil Society And The Aid Industry

by Alison Van Rooy

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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‘This book is valuable for and beyond the international development industry. It deftly leads a non-specialist through the maze of ideas and arguments plaguing the concept of civil society, and critically examines how, and what happens, when the international aid system tries to turn confusing and complex political theory into effective development policy and practice fitting the individual preconditions and historical trajectories of the world’s varied nations. The comparative evidence, analysis and recommendations on offer are essential reading for anyone attempting to understand or "build" someone else’s - as well as their own - civil society, especially when justifying the use of tax payers’ money to do so.’ Alan Fowler, Co-Founder, INTRAC Northern governments and NGOs are increasingly convinced that civil society will enable people in developing countries to escape the poverty trap. Civil Society and the Aid Industry, the product of extensive research by the prestigious North-South Institute in Canada, makes a critical appraisal of this new emphasis in the aid industry. It explores the roles of Northern governmental, multilateral and non-governmental agencies in supporting civil society, presenting in-depth case studies of projects in Peru, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Hungary, and gives detailed policy recommendations intended to improve the effectiveness and appropriateness of future projects. ISBN - 9781853835537

Pages : 256
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