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  Fuzzy Logic: A Spectrum of Theoretical and Practical Issues

Fuzzy Logic: A Spectrum Of Theoretical And Practical Issues

by Paul P. Wang, Da. Ruan, Etienne E. Kerre

  Price : Rs 690.00
  Your Price : Rs 621.00
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  This book exclusively surveys the active on-going research of the current maturity of fuzzy logic over the last four decade. Many world leaders of fuzzy logic have enthusiastically contributed their best research results into five theoretical, philosphical and fundamental sub areas and nine distinctive applications, including two PhD dissertations from two world class universities dealing with cutting-edge research areas of bioinformatics and geological science. Beyond the scope of survey and collection of the book, one important spin off is the emerging and recognition of a major scientific paradigm shift from the conventional mathematics to the mathematics of uncertainty, which arguably holds the key to solving very difficult and complex problems in biological and social sciences alike. The book, loaded with historical perspective, creative thinking, critical reviewing, and uniquely constructed strategy for future growth of this dynamic research area, is an invaluable resource for active researchers at all levels, university administrators, foundation directors, funding agency program chiefs, research & development planners and technological assessors.

This special low-priced edition is for sale in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan and Sri Lanka only.

Table of Contents

Why Fuzzy Logic?- A Spectrum of Theoretical and Pragmatics Issues
On Fuzzy Set Theories
Uninorm Basics
Structural Interpolation and Approximation with Fuzzy Relations: A Study in Knowledge Reuse
On Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory-From an Engineering Perspective
Upper and Lower Values for the Level of Fuzziness in FCM
Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena: A Fuzzy Logic Approach
Mathematical Fuzzy Logic in Modeling of Natural Language Semantics
Analytical Theory of Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules with Compositional Rule of Inference
Fuzzy Logic and Ontology-based Information Retrieval
Real-World Fuzzy Logic Applications in Data Mining and Information Retrieval
Gene Regulatory Network Modeling: A Data Driven Approach
An Abstract Approach Toward the Evaluation of Fuzzy Rule Systems
Nuclear Reactor Power Control Using State Feedback with Fuzzy Logic
The Fusion of Genetic Algorithms and Fuzzy Classification for Transient Identification
The Role of Fuzziness in Decision Making
Fuzzy Linear Bilevel Optimization: Solution Concepts, Approaches and Applications
Fuzzy Predictive Earth Analysis Constrained by Heuristics Applied to Stratigraphic Modeling
Fuzzy Logic for Modeling the Management of TechnologyISBN - 9788184892826

Pages : 476
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