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  Sucessful Packaged Software Implementation

Sucessful Packaged Software Implementation

by Christine B. Tayntor

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  Successful Packaged Software Implementation guides IT departments through the selection and implementation of packaged software, pointing out potential pitfalls and how to avoid them. Offering a step-by-step approach, this volume begins with an assessment as to whether packaged software is the correct solution. It then analyzes the product selection and contract negotiation processes before addressing the technical details of installation and configuration.

Although focusing primarily on acquiring, installing, and implementing applications software (the most complex category of software from an IT manager`s viewpoint) this book also is applicable to shrink-wrapped and system software.

About The Author With more than 30 years of experience in IT, Christine B. Tayntor has worked in the life insurance, banking, and manufacturing industries as well as serving as a consultant. Her experience includes the implementation and maintenance of packaged software, the negotiation of IT contracts, and the outsourcing of both software development and support. The author of Six Sigma Software Development, she is also a frequent contributor to technical publications and a speaker at numerous conferences

Table Of Contents:

PLANNING Getting Started The Packaged Software Dilemma Types of Software Target Audience Implementation versus Installation Is Packaged Software the Answer?
Criteria for Success Reference

The First Steps The Need for a Formal Selection Process Step 1: Form the Selection Team The Project Charter Team Selection The Team Leader Facilitators Outside Advisors

THE SELECTION PROCESS Identifying Requirements and Potential Products The Selection Process - Step 2: Identify and Prioritize Requirements Identifying Requirements Functional Requirements Technical Requirements Vendor-Related Requirements Prioritizing Requirements The Selection Process - Step 3: Identify Potential Products

RFPs and RFIs RFI vs. RFP - What Is the Difference?
What is the Value of an RFP?
What are the Disadvantages?
When is an RFP Needed?
Ranking RFP Sections

Product and Vendor Evaluation Step 1: Team Evaluates the Responses and Creates the Short List of Vendors Step 2: Team Schedules Vendor Presentations Step 3: Team Checks Vendor References Step 4: Short List Vendors Present Their Products
(Standard Demo) and Capabilities Step 5: Team Evaluates Presentations and Creates Finalist List of Vendors Step 6: Team Conducts Site Visits to Key Customers of Finalist Vendors Step 7: Finalist Vendors Present Customized Demos of Products Step 8: Team Determines Whether to Negotiate with All Finalists Scripted Presentations

LEGAL ISSUES-CONTRACTS AND SOFTWARE LICENSES The Negotiation Process Types of Contracts Project Team Involvement in Negotiations Other Team Members Basic Precepts Improving the Company`s Negotiating Position The Negotiation Process

Key Elements of Software Licenses
1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Term
4. Termination
5. License
6. Deliverables
7. Schedule for Deliverables
8. Maintenance (If Contained in the Base Software License)
9. Fees and Payment Terms
10. Confidentiality and Protection of Data
11. Representations and Warranties
12. Indemnification
13. Limitation of Liability
14. Miscellaneous Provisions

Professional Services Agreements Who?
Fee-Related Miscellaneous

Service Contracts and Statements of Work Two-Tiered Contracts Master Services Agreement Statements of Work

IMPLEMENTATION CONSIDERATIONS Establishing the Roadmap Will the Company Use an ASP or Install the Software on Its Machines?
Will Implementation be "Big Bang" or Phased?
What will be Included in Each Phase?
How Are Phases Chosen?
Will There Be Parallel Runs?
Communicating the Roadmap

Who`s in Charge?
Architect, General Contractor or Skilled Trade?
Sources of Assistance The Turnkey Alternative Company Ownership with Assistance from Outside Firms The Program Management Office Other Key Decisions The Champion The Implementation Team

Selling the Solution What Is Involved?
Step 1: Calculate the Costs of the Proposed Solution Step 2: Calculate the Costs of the Current Process Step 3: Identify the Benefits of the Proposed Solution Step 4: Calculate Return on Investment Step 5: Outline the Implementation Schedule Step 6: Develop the Business Case and Presentation Step 7: Presell the Solution Step 8: Present the Solution References

Organizational Readiness The Basics of Change Roles Associated with Change The Impact of Change Components of Successful Change The Critical Element: Communication The Rumor Mill Formal Communication Informal Communications Coping with Conflict References

IMPLEMENTATION The Ground Rules The Need for a Rule Book Step 1: Establish and Publish Standards Need for Review and Approval Step 2: Develop and Monitor the Schedule Step 3: Define and Implement Change Management Step 4: Create and Follow Communication Protocols

Software Installation Step 1: Prepare the Infrastructure Step 2: Install Vanilla Code Step 3: Test the Vanilla Code with Vendor- Supplied Data Step 4: Test the Vanilla Code with Company-Specific Data Step 5: Test the Software in the Real World Step 6: Review the Documentation

Configuration The Configuration Conundrum Definition Coding Testing Reference

Interfaces and Conversions Interfaces Planning Definition Coding Testing Data Conversion Planning Definition Coding Testing

Customizations Reports Extensions and Customizations

Training Project-Team Training End User Training Ongoing Training

The Challenges of Multisite Implementation How Much Variation Will Be Allowed?
Will There Be One Project or Many?
Who Is In Charge?
How Many Instances Will There Be?
Will the Implementation Be Multicountry?

POST-IMPLEMENTATION Support Establishing End User Expectations Step 1: Create a Steering Committee Step 2: Establish Service-Level Agreements Step 3: Implement a Mechanism for Capturing and Reporting Performance Step 4: Communicate Performance Metrics Determining Who Will Provide Support The Legacy System Dilemma References

The Future The Postmortem The Control Plan Legacy System Decommissioning Acquisitions and Divestitures

APPENDICES List of Acronyms The Project Charter Suggested Reading ISBN - 9780849334108

Pages : 313
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