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Infectious Diseases In Children And Newer Vaccines, 2007

by Ghosh

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  1. Intrauterine Infection - Interpretation of Tests and Management Protocols, 2. Neonatal Septicemia - Changing Scenrario, 3. Recent Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Neonatal Sepsis, 4. Drug Resistant tuberculosis in Children, 5. Diagnosis of Tuberculosis, 6. Management of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis, 7. Unsolved Problems in Tuberculosis, 8. Pneumonia in Children, 9. Non-Resolving Pneumonia in Children, 10. Current Trends in the Management of Typhoid Fever, 11. Bacterial Meningitis, 12. Management of Servere and Complicated Malaria, 13. Resistant Malaria, 14. Kala-azar, 15. Leptospirosis, 16. Management of Hepatitis Band C, 17. Dengue Illnessness: Approach to Clinical Diagnosis and Management, 18. AIDS in Children: Magnitude of the Problem in India, 19. HIV Infection in Infants and Children: Clinical Manifestations, 20. Laboratory Diagnosis of HIV Infection In Children, 21. HIV and Nutrition, 22. AIDS in Children : Immunisation, Nutritional Support, Growth and Development Monitoring, 23. HIV Infection in Infants and Children: Clinical and Management Aspects, 24. Antiretroviral Therapy (ART), 25. Japanese Encephalitis - An Overview, 26. Deadly Corona Virus - Deathly SARS, 27. Pediatric Nosocomial Infections - Approach to Diagnosis and Management, 28. Management of Urinary Treact Infection in Children, 29. Acute Otitis Media - Problem of Drug Resistance to What Extent and How to Overcome, 30. Approach to Acute Febrile Illnesses in Children Beyond Three Months of Age, 31. PUO (Pyrexia of Unknown Orgin) and Fever without Focus - How to Get the Final Answer : a Brief Review, 32. Advances in Padiatric Antibiotic Therapy, 33. A Practical Approach to Antibiotic Usage, 34. Antibiotic Resistance, 35. Antimicrobial Resistance : Can we Overcome It?, 36. Clinical Spectrum of Sepsis in Children, 37. Early Goal-directed Therapy and Strategies in Management of Unresolving Multiorgan Failur in Septic Shock, 38. Diagnosis and Management of Immunodeficient with Infectious Child in the PICU, 39. Blood Culure, 40. Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Diseses with Special Reference to Tuberculosis, 41. Newer Vaccines - Commentary, 42. MMR Vaccine, 43. Acellular Pertussis Vaccine, 44. Vaccine Against Influenza, 45. Research and Development of Vaccines against Diarrheal Diseases, 46. Combination vaccines, 47. Prevention of Rabies by Vaccination and Immunoglobulin Therapy: Some Controversies and Solutions, 48. Rabies Control - How to make MTCV Cost Effective at Individual and Community Level. ISBN 9788180619397

Pages : 366
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